Pearl City Force Main Emergency Repair
The fragile quarter-mile stretch of the Pearl City Force Main near the Waipahu Pump Station was long overdue for repair. Plagued with ruptures, the main occasionally spilled sewage into residential neighborhoods causing environmental and political damage. Hawaiian Dredging won the contract for a solution to keep the main in service another 20 years.
We chose slip lining, a complex process to sheathe deteriorated pipes with fused PVC lines to prevent spills. This was the first time fusible PVC of such large diameters and lengths were used to line sewer pipes in Hawaii. The main is in close proximity to residential and commercial buildings, prompting the pipe manufacturer to call the job “one of the most difficult installations” ever seen.
Nobody likes taking care of dirty business. But Hawaiian Dredging was proud to be part of this impressive undertaking that improved Pearl City residents’ quality of life.